
WHAT IS Print[ED]?

Print[ED] is a nationally recognized accreditation program for high schools (secondary) and junior colleges (post-secondary) that teach graphic communications. Administered by the Printing & Graphics Association, Mid Atlantic (PGAMA), Print[ED] accreditation involves three parts: program standards, Industry approved competencies, and assessments.


To the student, Print[ED] provides a career pathway to enter the workplace with verifiable credentials, or to pursue further education at the college level.

To the educator, Print[ED] ensures an instructional program that is current and relevant, consistent across the nation, and aligned with industry standards. Print[ED] accreditation also meets the criteria to qualify for Federal Perkins V Funding.

To the employer, graduates of Print[ED] are knowledgeable, trained, skilled, and ready to enter the workforce.


After completing an application, an Evaluation Team Leader (ETL) is assigned to mentor the candidate program’s instructor. The ETL maintains monthly contact with the instructor. A team comprised of industry professionals conducts the final evaluation to determine if the program has met accreditation requirements. An applicant program is granted 12 months to complete the accreditation process. Accreditation is awarded for five years. Areas of accreditation include:

*Accreditation in Introduction to Graphic Communications, as well as in one other area, is required. Schools may choose to be accredited in additional areas.


Print[ED] has identified six standards that encompass the elements of a solid training program. For a program to be awarded accreditation, it must meet these standards in at least two skills areas.

Standard 1: Teaching Credentials

Print[ED] instructors must possess a valid teaching certificate. Provisional certificates are acceptable. Loss of a teaching certificate will result in the suspension of Print[ED] accreditation until a valid teaching certificate is issued or the program files a change of instructor application.

Standard 2: Facility, Equipment and Safety

The physical facility must provide a learning environment in which students can be successful. In addition, equipment must be of the type typically found in the industry that provides an authentic experience for the student. Both the facility and equipment must meet current safety standards. If the program does not have adequate equipment, accreditation may be achieved by submitting a plan (supported by the school administration) to acquire the necessary equipment.

Standard 3: Instruction

Program curriculum must align with Print[ED] competencies, include safety rules and regulations, incorporate acceptable work habits and ethics, and provide testing and evaluation.

Standard 4: Program Outcomes

Program must have clearly defined outcomes related to, assessments, internships, work-study, full-time industry placements, part-time industry placements, and college-bound graduates.

Standard 5: Program Advisory Committee (PAC)

Administration must insure that instructional activities support and promote the goals of the Print[ED] program.

Standard 6: Program Budget

Funding must be provided to meet the approved program goals and performance objectives.


The Graphic Communications Skills Competencies (GCSC), developed by educators and industry professionals, provide measurable or observable knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors critical to successful job performance. These competencies form the basis for instruction in the six areas of Print[ED] accreditation. See list of competencies.


PGAMA  in partnership with SkillsUSA offers online assessments which include:

A student who receives a passing score on any of the Print[ED]/SkillsUSA assessments is awarded a Student Certification in that subject area, valid for two years. The certification, which does not require work experience, is designed to be the initial step for students seeking to build a career in the graphic communications industry.

Print[ED] Quick Facts

Accreditation Fee

The accreditation fee of $1800 includes access to our Professional Learning Community, Print[ED] Shared File Drive, monthly newsletters, quarterly Professional Development, an accreditation plaque, and copies of any materials updated during the five-year accreditation.


Although Print[ED] does not provide its own course of study, there are curriculums available that are aligned with the Print[ED] competencies that we can help get you.

Articulation Agreements

Many Print[ED] accredited programs have established articulation agreements with institutions of higher learning. Articulation agreements are designed to build strong partnerships between high schools and community colleges and/or four-year institutions. The agreement outlines specific requirements completed at the high school level that will transfer to institutions of higher learning. Print[ED] instructors are encouraged to form articulation agreements to provide students with the benefit of pursuing further education with college credit already in hand.


Print[ED] was developed in 1986 by the Printing Industries of Georgia (PIAG) at the request of the Georgia Department of Education. In 1990, Printing Industries of America adopted the Georgia program as a national industry-approved accreditation program. GAERF assumed management of Print[ED] in 2000. Effective July 1, 2019, GAERF transferred administration of Print[ED] to the Printing & Graphics Association, MidAtlantic (PGAMA) which is now under the Printing & Graphics Communications Association (PGCA).