Instructor Files
Here you will find a collection of Files that will be used throughout the Accreditation Process.

Program Accreditation Checklist
This checklist provides a step-by-step overview of Accreditation to keep track of your process.

Instructor Data Form
This form is to be completed by the instructor before the Facility, Equipment and Safety Inspection is performed by a Print[ED] Team Member.
Sections with a red asterisk are required.

Print[ED] Accreditation Standards Guide
The Print[ED] Accreditation Standards Guide explains what is required to fully satisfy each Standard.

Facility, Equipment, and Safety Inspection Checklist
The Facility, Equipment, and Safety Inspection Checklist (Standard 2) goes into the details on the specifics required to pass this Standard for Accreditation.
Fillable Equipment/Software List

Fillable Hazardous Chemicals List

Final Evaluation Information Sheet
This document is used to identify a program's Evaluation Team Members who will review Standard 3.2A. A final step in the process before the Final Evaluation.

Program Contact Information
Used by Print[ED] staff to ensure all the contact information for a program is up to date when it's time for Accreditation Renewal.