Print[ED] Online resources

Note: You must be a Print[ED] Accredited Instructor/Program to have access to these resources.

Print[ED] Shared Drive

Our Print[ED] Google Shared Drive is a collection of various materials that can be used in the classroom as well as your accreditation. One of the main items you will find there are the Skill Area Skeletons*. You can populate these with the various information needed for accreditation. Please send us an email if you are interested in joining the shared drive. Instructions for downloading skeletons can be found below.

*Skeletons for Introduction to Graphic Communications, Graphic Design, Digital File Prep & Output, and Screen Printing. Skeletons are forthcoming for Offset Press Operations & Binding and Finishing and Digital Production Printing.

Print[ED] PLC Forum

The Print[ED] Professional Learning Community (PLC) Forum is an open forum for instructors to collaborate on various Print[ED] topics, ranging from accreditation questions to content development, and anything else that your peers may have some insight on. Please send us an email if you would like to join. See below for an FAQ.

Supporting Documents

Print[ED] Skeletons FAQ.pdf
Print[ED] Forum FAQ.pdf

Note: Any instructor/program that is currently accredited or in the process of accreditation is eligible to join the Shared Drive and Forum.