April 2021 Newsletter

Another successful conference is in the books after our Virtual Print[ED] Winter Professional Learning Day was offered live using Zoom on February 3, 2021. We tried a different format to accommodate both the East Coast and the West Coast instructors. We ran two shorter sessions live, morning and late afternoon with the same presenters. Between the sessions, we had over 35 attendees. The first session was an interview and a live letterpress demo by Megan Asbeck, a former Print[ED] Student. Megan, a web designer by day, operates a letterpress shop from her basement during her spare time. You can view a short video clip of her running a job (a unique Print[ED] piece) below.

Michael Born, Center of Technology North (CATN), gave a live walking tour of his facility and presented activities explaining and demonstrating imposition in the classroom. Activity files are available on the Print[ED] Shared Drive. Full-length videos for both sessions are available here for viewing on our website: Print[ED] Videos.

Print & Graphics Scholarship Foundation
Classroom Activity and Contest

If you haven't already seen it, the Print and Graphics Scholarship Foundation (PGSF) is once again holding its annual T-Shirt and Poster Design Contests. Not only does this help support getting more scholarships out to students, but it can also act as a great classroom activity that covers multiple Print[ED] Competencies. Each contest has its own specs, so make sure you check the website to learn more. See below for some examples and links to the contests.

Fun Fact: Last years winner for BOTH contests was a Print[ED] Student from

Laura Roberts class out of Mattoon High School! Thanks Laura!

Shared Drive Update—Print[ED] Digital Materials

Future events + awesome materials = consolidation of the Print[ED] Shared Drive to make sure everything can be found easily in one place. Folders such as E-Blast Content and Distance Learning have been combined with the Virtual Conference Materials, to form Print[ED] Digital Materials. This folder will include activities, videos, files, etc. that are used during our virtual events, eNewsletters, and more.

Not part of the Print[ED] Drive or Forum? Not a problem! Just send us an email with your name, organization, and a valid Google email you would like to have associated with the forum.